Implementing Answer Delays in Your Video Quizzes

Enhance your quizzes' engagement by incorporating delayed answers, a feature that unveils answer options only after a certain portion of your video content has played. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up answer delays within our platform, ensuring your quiz takers remain focused on the video content before making their selections.

Step 1: Preparing Your Question Card

1.1 Starting Your Quiz

  • Begin by creating or editing a quiz within the platform. Navigate to the question card where you wish to implement a delayed answer.

1.2 Understanding the Requirement for Video

  • Notice that the option to delay answers won't appear until a video is embedded in your question card. This is because the delay function is contingent on video playback.

Step 2: Embedding Your Video

2.1 Adding a Test Video

  • Insert a test video into your question card to enable the delay answer options. For demonstration purposes, any video will suffice.

2.2 Accessing Delay Settings

  • With the video in place, click on "Settings" for your question card. You'll now see additional options, including the ability to delay answers.

Step 3: Setting Up Delayed Answers

3.1 Configuring the Delay Percentage

  • Enter the desired percentage of video playback before answers are displayed. For instance, typing "15%" means answers will show after 15% of the video has played.

3.2 Previewing the Delay

  • Save your settings and click "Preview" to test the delay. Initially set at a lower percentage to understand how quickly the answers appear.

3.3 Adjusting for Optimal Engagement

  • Experiment with different percentages, such as 50% or 60%, especially for shorter videos, to find the sweet spot where the answers will engage viewers most effectively.

Delayed answers can significantly increase the interactivity and focus on video content within your quizzes. By following these steps, you can easily implement this feature, ensuring your participants are more engaged with your video content before responding.

Remember, a video must be embedded in your question card for the delay option to be available. Should you encounter any difficulties or have questions about setting up delayed answers, our support team is ready to assist. Please reach out to for any help or clarification needed.

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